The Expansion Session
Inner Awakening Intensive
Discover the potential that awaits you.
Saying “YES” to exploring the depths of your core—your soul and inner wisdom—takes profound commitment and courage.
By honoring and embracing the full spectrum of being human, both shadow AND light, you invite true harmony and wholeness into your life. This creates space for expansive growth and meaningful self-discovery on the deepest levels.
Such in depth self-exploration is not for everyone, but for those up for this level of rebirth and transformation, I am deeply humbled and honored to support YOU on this journey. I have shepherded hundreds of men and women in this life changing work. Within this Inner Awakening Intensive, I create expansive, personalized sacred space bringing sonic science, sacred quantum healing, and hands-on curated transformational energetic processes and plant medicine ceremonies to meet your unique needs. I meet you where you are at to support your own expansive transformation, authentic personal growth and deep unexpected healing. Many clients fly me to their location, but I also serve many clients here in beautiful northern California’s San Francisco Bay Area with a private studio where you can stay should you need to.

You don’t have to go it alone. The gift of working with a licensed, trained guide is that you will be fully supported in your process and safe to let go during this time of self-discovery, healing, reclamation, and integration. I hold my clients with the highest level of integrity, in safety and non-judgmental support, as they pursue deep healing and personal exploration. Both private and small group sessions are available.
Wake up your own magic. As you continue to look at ALL of your parts, do the healing and integration work, the more you will start to wake up to your own essence and authentic dharma.
You simply have to show up and be open to doing the work. It’s important to know that I specialize in integration, where most guides will provide one to two integration calls post session, I will work with you weekly for 4-6 weeks post journey with a customized plan unique to your session. We also work together beforehand to ensure you are truly set up for an optimal experience.
Supporting deep, life changing transformations brings me great joy and I am invested in your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual well-being for a lasting life filled with vitality, joy, grace and ease.
Based on clinical trials and emerging research, here are the top health and mental health benefits often associated with therapeutic journeys:
Expanded Consciousness and Self-Awareness
Reduced of Depression, Anxiety, Stress, PTSD
Peace with terminal diagnosis
Enhanced Emotional Processing and Openness
Reduced Substance Use and Addiction Symptoms
Relief from Cluster Headaches/Chronic Migraines
Increased Sense of Life Satisfaction and Well-being
Enhanced Mindfulness
Reduced Rumination/Negative Thought Patterns
Reduced Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms
These ceremonies last between six to eight hours, and utilize several transformative practices.
The full day journey is focused on leveraging expanded states of consciousness for transformation and healing. Customized methods often include breathwork, guided meditation, movement, bodywork, inner child healing, timeline regression healing, energy work, sonic science/sound healing, vibro-acoustics, neuro-frequency healing and practices steeped in eternal wisdom traditions.
I offer the option of two different medicines, and utilize both clinical and wisdom practices. We will talk one on one to determine your preferences and medical background to see what is actually possible for you.
The intention of this work is to support your reclamation and integration of disparate parts of yourself, your soul journey, thereby offering the ability to come back into wholeness within your body. It is also a time to let go of overactive mind states and allow your inner healer to come forth and do its own work with the help of nature’s medicine. Allowing you to see what you know to be true without the ‘noise’ of daily stressors and overactive brain-states. For private sessions, copious notes are taken and observations recorded for your benefit later as we create your unique integration plan.
Intensive Includes: The main session is preceded by two preparation sessions before the ceremony (one in person, one via zoom); I recommend that for the in-person pre-journey session that it be a 90 min to 2 hour wellness session (intuitive body work, breathwork, sound healing,reiki, etc). Post journey integration sessions are via zoom unless otherwise requested (for 4-6 wks). Integration is truly when the transformation and repattering of the mind/body occurs. During these sessions we focus on your own unique integration plan.
Of course the group sessions also offer exceptional set and setting safety protocols and sound, frequency healing, it is just a much more internal process since there will be more than one person in attendance. I prefer small groups and this is only available to people who have experienced such work in the past. While not personalized with in depth personal support, this experience can also be highly transformative for people that partake in a group session, especially for those familiar and experienced in this space.
I highly recommend these Podcasts from Stanford University School of Medicine: Informational POD CASTS about Psilocybin - The science behind the Medicine.
POD Casts from Dr. Andrew Huberman, Stanford.
Or Watch Michael Pollen’s series on Netflix - How to Change your Mind. There is a specific episode on psilocybin.
Hear about how Beth’s Expansion Session has changed her life.
Are you searching for a full body reset, sacred time for deep soul care, or neurological reprogramming so you can fully embrace your own inner transformation, and reclaim your authentic self?
If you’re interested in scheduling a customized boutique full-day Expansion session or a small group retreat, please contact me directly.
What my clients are saying: