The Brilliant Conductor of a Finely Tuned Symphony ~ Our Ovaries
The power of our ovaries should not be overlooked or minimized; rather, these organs should be revered, cherished and cared for. If you’re facing a hysterectomy and considering ovary removal, you deserve to be as informed as possible. So, let’s take a look at some of the most common misconceptions around ovaries and the truth of what these organs do for our bodies.
Omegas are the slick superstars of the hormonal health show
Did you know that essential fats (aka omegas) can not only boost your metabolism, but also help manufacture and balance hormones and actually support your cellular structures via helping to control cell growth?! Omegas can also help lift your mood, lower your blood pressure AND dissolve body fat, lowering levels of cholesterol and triglycerides.
A Retreat From Stress May Be Easier Than You Think: The Power of Essential Oils
It’s true, we have all been affected by an unpredictable pandemic. The rapid progression of COVID-19 has drastically changed our lives, leaving some scrambling to cope. Now more than ever before, you are at risk of stress! Between shelter-in-place rules, home-schooling children, job losses — the world is changing so fast it could give us whiplash.
As we all search for ways to better manage our stress during this uncertain time, I want to provide some insights on how you can support your body and mind while you are at home sheltering in place. Here are some of my favorite essential oil solutions that have helped me and my loved ones over the years.
I explained in my last blog post why it’s so crucial to protect your immune system. Strengthening your physical health should absolutely be a focus right now, but we also have to pay close attention to our mental health.
We’re Yam’ing, I Wanna Yam It with you!
Hiya Beautiful! It is time for a foodie break!
I cannot believe that within 24 hours, I have received 3 emails for “in-shelter recipe sharing”. This is more outreach for recipe sharing in 24 hours than I have seen in a year!
I love the community sharing and outreach that this tragic pandemic is bringing to us all and sincerely hope that the increased self care, the return to nature, the respect of nature and more heart-forward living stays with us all and becomes the new norm. Anyway, onto some good hormone YAM recipes.
Did you know that the bulb and roots of wild yams contain a chemical called diosgenin, which can influence the production of several useful hormones in humans, such as estrogen or dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA). Consuming wild yams may be a natural way of promoting these hormones in the body, which can assist some women that are encountering common menopausal symptoms.
Are you caring properly for your Immune System?
“My strategy is to stop the assaults--to reduce the number of factors your immune system has to deal with by cleaning up your diet, healing your gut, lightening your toxic burden, treating your infections, and reducing your overall stress.”~ Amy Myers,
Ok, so with COVID19 on all of our minds, I felt compelled to write about the human immune system. Something important while we have limited testing and as we respect the social distancing that is becoming the new “norm” for many around the globe!
OUR IMMUNE SYSTEMS. While we know “healthy” individuals are not at high risk for this virus, it's an important time to think about HOW to keep your bodies healthy, build up your immunity and maintain your optimal health. Especially if you are older and/or are susceptible to illnesses. Before giving some tips on some immune boosters, I want to provide a short 101 on our immune system. (If you just want the tips, scroll to the bottom).
The Original Chill Pill! Unbelievable benefits of Magnesium
Did you know that approximately 60% of all Americans are magnesium deficient! And did you know that those who drink a lot of coffee or alcohol or suffer from anxiety, may be especially prone to this deficiency?!
Think of magnesium as a hormone rescuer!
It has a role in hormonal regulation, preventing excess cortisol, increasing insulin sensitivity and supporting the production of thyroid hormone. It can also slow aging by reducing oxidative stress, supporting the production of glutathione (a protective antioxidant) and supporting telomere strength.
Maca and Libido! Who Knew!!
Here are some of the most well known health benefits of Maca:
1) Potential to increase libido: There is some scientific evidence to support this claim.There was a study back in 2002 that reported that men who took 1.5 or 3 grams (g) of maca per day experienced increased libido compared to those who received a placebo.
Pepper it Up!
Black Pepper~Another seasonal favorite of mine! Besides spicing up our food and warming and relaxing our digestive system did you know that Black Pepper is one of the highest carriers of a dietary cannabinoid, β-Caryophyllene? β-Caryophyllene is the primary sesquiterpene contributing to the spiciness of black pepper; it is also a major constituent of cloves, hops, rosemary, copaiba, and cannabis.
Power of Peppermint!
I don’t leave home without this versatile, powerful oil in my purse! Seriously, I am not kidding. It is my belief to start first with nature’s own remedies before going to pharmaceutics. Like Oregano, this oil is profound in its healing abilities and is one of the oldest and most highly regarded healing herbs on the planet. It too can be ingested and used topically for meaningful healing results.
Melaleuca ~ Cleansing & Clearing
No surprise Melaleuca, aka "tea tree", is on my seasonal favorites list for oils - primarily for its disinfectant and KILLER antiseptic qualities. In Australia, before the invention of penicillin, Melaleuca oil was used extensively by the Aborigines for its anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral compounds. It has 12x the power of phenol and is highly effective in alleviating seasonal colds and viruses. This oil is a powerful, purifying, antiseptic solvent, which means it breaks the oil, dirt, and debris that builds up under our skin and contaminates our bodies.
Oregano ~ Packs a Punch
In the plant-based healing world, oregano is often touted as one of the most powerful herbs available to us for keeping ourselves and families healthy! It has been used for centuries for a reason.