Virtual Rituals

$133.00 every month for 3 months

Tap into your TRUE SOUND 

Morning OR Evening

Join this supportive, customized practice for just 20 minutes a day (morning or night) to activate your inner soul-care.  We practice intentional breath, energy, sound, and movement practices live via zoom either in the morning or evening or both, depending on the package and level of soul-care you desire. Learn to thrive with ease.


After just 21 days, this practice will have profound positive impacts on your mind and body – from increased calm and balance to heightened brain function and expanded consciousness. 

Morning rituals focus on awakening and invigorating body practices, while evening rituals use more calming, relaxing somatic practices that help you prepare for a good night's sleep.

Start anytime.

3x/week - 20 min session - $133/month for 3 months